Thursday, January 27, 2005

a small world

we've been in touch with threelogy (video) through sms, mostly by done by olie.. and yesterday, we found out through fellow w@wies that their website is up... in their gallery is the wedding of vien and chris which i attended last year..

and then on our way home, we chanced upon pen, my roomie in college. she knows naman mimi and karl abesamis (photo) whom we are considering for wedding photo coverage. but we are definitely getting these two for our prenups... hahaha.

we've got connections pala (duh!) hahaha.. but can we get discounts based on these??? i wish...

and oh. lyra and manuel, fellow w@wies who got married in december 2004 were marla, my other roomie in college's best friend.. definitely a small world.
i've decided to send a link to this blog to my 2 best buds - ken and odin. hmm.. i wonder how will they react...
(hi to you both in case you do get to read this!)
things on my mind.. sometimes

am i really ready for this??? scary but exciting though.
wed preps..

i think we should finalize the following and pencil-book them ASAP..
reception venue


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